Property & Conveyancing

Why You Need a Conveyancer When Buying Property in Sydney or NSW

Dealing with the legal side of a property transaction can be quite a task. Like most things in the legal field, it is filled with complexity, jargon and processes that all need to be done correctly so that you don’t expose yourself to cost, risk and legal action.

Why You Need a Conveyancer in Sydney

When dealing with a property deal, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into account, from the legal side to the financial side. No property is cheap, so we are talking a good amount of money being put at risk if something goes wrong.

While you can try do the the conveyancing process on your own, you need to be aware of what you will be up against.

The conveyancing process will involve:

  • Dealing with all parties involved in the sale including the seller/buyer, government/council, real estate agents, building inspectors, banks and so on.
  • Searching for titles of properties to find any preconditions
  • Ensuring all documents are prepared and legally compliant
  • Finalising all the documents and contracts (which are often filled with legal jargon)
  • Ensuring the buyer or seller meets all their legal and contractual obligations
  • Coordinating and completing the settlement

If this is your first time going through this process, it can be very overwhelming. If you have been through this process before, then you know what you have ahead of you.

Many people choose not to hire a conveyancer for the sake of saving on the cost. But by the time you factor in the time, effort and stress you put into doing it yourself, plus the risk you open yourself up to, it simply doesn’t pay off.

By hiring a conveyancer in Sydney to help you with your property transaction, here is what you can expect:

  • You will avoid any bad deals which could cost far more than the conveyancer would charge, because they have the experience to know what not to do
  • Avoid any legal problems which could arise if you make a mistake
  • Save a huge amount of time trying to do the process on your own
  • Prevent things from going wrong and avoid any pitfalls you may not have foreseen on your own
  • You will get advice from the conveyancer who has a lot more experience than you, so they will help you get the best deal possible
  • You won’t have to worry about being cheated on the deal because the conveyancer will ensure this won’t happen
  • You will avoid not complying to the contract at hand (unknowingly), which could end up in you being sued by the other party
  • Insurance that licensed conveyances carry which cover their clients in the case of something going wrong or a mistake being made
  • Peace of mind knowing the whole process is being taken care of properly and legally by a professional.

Hiring a conveyancer essentially ensures that your deal will go smoothly, you get the best deal and you minimise the risk.

We at Elmassian Lawyers are conveyancers in Sydney who can help you with your property transaction. Give us a call on 02 9958 2407 or email